How Much Is A Motorbike In Singapore

A motorbike is both a vehicle and a place to ride. There are many motorcycle clubs in Singapore, each with their own custom and rules for members. Most members ride with an average of one top-of-the-line motorbike per year as they improve their riding skills.
Many take private lessons, but the best riders get their license first and spend more time on the bike in the saddle. That is what you want to do at the start, but once you learn some tricks your confidence will grow!
The most popular models are the 250-, 350-, 400-, and 500-cc bikes. The smaller bikes are better for beginners, while the larger ones are better for more advanced riders. Many riders choose these based on cost vs quality, especially when they are new to riding!
Getting your license is the most important part of becoming a motorcycle rider.
One of the reasons why people buy motorbikes is because they are cheaper than cars
More expensive cars offer you more space and features, but it comes with a higher price. A motorbike is also cheaper than a car and can be a great alternative to the car.
For instance, you do not have to worry about registration and insurance as the bike is owned by you. You also do not have to deal with the hassle of parking a car in Singapore and going onto your motorcycle.
You also do not have to learn how to drive a car or how to maintain a car, which makes it easier to just buy one and ride it out.
Since motorcycles are cheaper than cars, people buy them in larger quantities as they do not want to deal with the hassle of owning and operating one.
Motorbikes are easier to drive
While driving a car is the most basic form of transportation in Singapore, it hardly ever works out to buy a motorcycle.
Because you need to be more skilled in driving a car to match the requirements of riding a motorcycle, this difference in expertise can make a big difference in cost.
A full-fledged driver’s license costs between $120 and $150, while riding skills are enough to get you into the street traffic zone for just $30!
Even with the lower price of driving, there are still things that beginners should know. Some roads are too narrow or steep for novices, and even experienced drivers may need some help when going on rides at night or if there is heavy rain forecast.
They can get to places faster
If you need to get somewhere fast, a motorbike is the best mode of transport. A motorcycle is more flexible and can adjust to different terrain, or change speeds when travelling at high or low speeds.
A motorbike can go fast enough for most people to think about buying one. It’s more affordable than a car and easy to manoeuvre in traffic. Plus, it’s fun to ride and can be a great stress reliever.
The downside is that riding a motorcycle requires more skill and dexterity than driving a car. Also, the helmet must be worn while riding, so if you are not very skilled with riding on your own, you can find it helpful to rent one first.
Motorbikes are more convenient
A motorcycle is much more convenient mode of transportation than a car or public bus. For one, a motorcycle can be ridden on any road and at any time. Also, a motorcycle can be stepped on and off, making it more versatile.
A car can only be used when it is warm outside. A motorcycle can be used anytime, especially during summer months when there are occasional clouds of heat.
When searching for a bike, make sure it is suitable for you. Those who are tall and have big feet should look for bikes with tall tires to help support them when riding.
If you do not feel confident riding a bike by yourself, try renting one from an establishment.
They are smaller and easier to park
If you are looking for a smaller, more convenient mode of transportation to/from the airport, then a motorcycle is definitely for you.
A motorcycle is only available as a rental service on motorcycles, so if you do not have one at home, you can rent one in Singapore! These are usually smaller and easier to park motorcycles that are geared towards local riders.
These bikes can be anywhere from 125cc to 150cc and they can go up to 150km/h! They are very popular due to their speed and comfort. Typically, local riders get around 5–10 rides before settling on their preferred bike!
Local riders say the feel of the bike is like riding downhill on an air cushion. They also remark that it feels more stable than a chopper when negotiating curves.
No registration costs
There are no fees to ride a motorcycle in Singapore. You can ride as fast as you want and no one will bother you because you are just a motorbike rider!
Because of the low traffic density in Singapore, riders can get close to 100 km/hr on the streets. This is very fast for a motorcycle rider, making him feel powerful and secure.
Most riders max out their speed on residential streets with little traffic and no curves. These are the same streets where cars can easily drive at 70+ km/hr without issue!
The main difficulty for riders is staying alert while riding at high speeds.
Low maintenance costs
Most bikes can be breakdown free in Singapore. This is due to the low number of clutches and gears on the bikes and the fact that most brands offer low maintenance tires and brakes.
Because most brands offer low maintenance tires and brakes, you do not have to buy new equipment every year either. Most companies offer regular checks every month to make sure it is working properly!
The only thing that needs to be done regularly is replacing the tires and checking the brakes as needed. Even then, it is only Phonewise who has had a bike break down in recent times!
Another reason why bikes are easy to take care of is that many brand provide accessories such as lubes, bags, wipes, etc.
Fuel is inexpensive
Few things cost extra in Singapore, and gas prices are one of them. A liter of gasoline costs anywhere between $1 and $2 in Singapore, depending on where you buy it.
Local gas prices are relatively high, around $2 a liter, so most motorcycle riders save fuel by buying less expensive gasoline. This is also the case for car drivers!
Many gas stations offer a variety of fuels including regular, super-saturating, and even advanced high octane fuels. Many brands offer locations near motorbike riders, making it easy to save fuel by using the same brand of gas.
Bullet point: Riding a motorcycle is fun even if you do not know how to ride one!
Whether you are new to riding or have been before, reading some tips from motorbike riders will help you learn some new tricks! There are many ways for new riders to improve their rides which is fun and fine by me.